mounting disks are the disks on the inside of the binding that have holes to screw into the board. they come with the bindings you buy, however replacement disks can be found online. they also control the angle at which you set your foot.
Any local shop should carry extra that you can purchase. Otherwise you can order them from the producer.
You can take the bindings off your snowboard, but while boarding the only purpose of the bindings is to hold your boots to the board.
snowboard bindings can be found in boarding shops are places where snowboards and snowboards can be purchased online retailers such as amazon can also have snowboard bindings that can be provided
It is possible for to find reviews about the Burton Mission snowboard bindings, just by going to the site called SnowBoardingsHQ. The site gives all information and detail-by-detail about snowboard bindings.
Three. Snowboard, bindings, and boots.
nope, but you have to be careful, because on some bindings the holes to screw it in place, wont match up with the holes in the board.
There is no grip on a snowboard. Your feet are held down by the bindings.
A company called Union makes great bindings. In my opinion, they are the best.
yes they will!!!
Yes, but you need a special base plate.
Why the F@#K would anyone do that?