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The Iditarod race begins in Anchorage, Alaska. The race ends in Nome, Alaska. The race takes place in the beginning of March.

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13y ago

On Sunday the restart will happen at Willow, the very 1st checkpoint once the musher get's out of Anchorage.

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15y ago

it restarts in willow, alaska, i believe.

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15y ago

answer: Alaska

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Which is the halfway point for the Iditarod in this years race?

The "halfway point" checkpoint for the iditarod race is Ophir to Iditarod

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What is the first checkpoint in the iditarod race?

They pick them out of a hat!

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Which Iditarod checkpoint do you have to stay at?

Actually there is 1 checkpoint the mushers stay at for 8 hours. The checkpoint required is White Mountain. Then they have to take a 24 hour stop and one more 8 hour stop at any checkpoint.

Is there a certain amount of time that mushers have to stay at a checkpoint?

yes. example: every musher in the iditarod race can spend 24 hours only once at a checkpoint. so it would be a good idea when they are tired to stop at a checkpoint for 24 hours since they only get to do it once. they all have limited time at checkpoint. if u r confused, go 2 the iditarod website.

What is a checkpoint in the Iditarod race?

A checkpoint is a place you MUST stop at. There is a vet at each checkpoint to examine the dogs. Also, there is a 24 hour stop that you may not leave until 24 hours later.

Where do mushers in the Iditarod sleep?

They sleep at the checkpoint stops. If they want they can make an igloo or something that they might rather sleep in then the checkpoint where a lot of other teams are.

Where do mushers sleep in the Iditarod race?

They sleep at the checkpoint stops. If they want they can make an igloo or something that they might rather sleep in then the checkpoint where a lot of other teams are.

When is Iditarod?

The Iditarod always starts on the first Saturday in March, with a ceremonial start in Anchorage. The restart is the next day.

What actors and actresses appeared in Checkpoint - 2010?

The cast of Checkpoint - 2010 includes: Daniela Moser