A playful sub-style of freestyle Snowboarding that uses all kinds of obstacles such as trees, stumps, rails, etc. Jibbing can also be synonymous with "goofing around" on a snowboard; doing small technical tricks in a playful manner.
In Skateboarding you grind. In snowboarding you jib. It means you slid across a feature with the base of your board.
I believe the term you're looking for is "sloop."
The jib's sheet controls the angle of the jib (sail) to the wind. It is attached to the lower end of the jib that is farthest aft.
James Jib Brown goes by Jib, and Papa.
Foundationless jib crane Portable jib crane
SSX Tricky is a snowboarding term. It describes one of the 'moves' used by snowboarders. SSX Tricky has also become the name of a popular snowboarding game in the SSX series.
Captain Jib & Commander Jab Jib Lee & Jabby Chan Captain Jib Beard & Long Jab Silver Jib Man & Jab Boy Sir Duke of Jib & Jabbury Invisible Jib & Invisible Jab Dr Jibberstein & Jabgor
Depending on how it is rigged it could be the jib, Flying jib or spinnaker.The most forward sail is normally called a jib.On vessels with more than one jib, the names of the jibs (from forward to aft) are: Flying jib, Outer jib, Inner jib and Fore (topmast) staysail.
The jib sail is the triangular staysail in front of the foremast. Sometimes a spinnaker replaces the jib. They are both generally referred to as "headsails".
Jib Crane is usually a crane used to lift midium weight materials with a hoist & its called Jib Crane because in Jib Cranes the structure on which the hoist is mounted is right angular shaped thing.
there is no such thing as a small two-masted vessel with a mainsail and jib
Ojibwe is pronounced "OH-JIB-WAY"
A halyard is used for hauling up a sail, such as a jib or mainsail. To haul up the jib, you would use the jib halyard...for the main, main halyard.