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the back of the ski

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Q: Is Ski jump is the landing marked from the back or front of the skis?
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Related questions

What are the violations in triple jump?

1. If your foot crosses over the front of the marked line 2. If the jumper walks back towards the front of the pit after he jumps andexits the front of the pit. 3. If the jumper touches any of the outside edges when landing in his jump. 4. When a jumper is excecuting his jump and happens to enter the sand on his second phase (the step) then it is a fault.

What is the frog's front legs used for?

For landing when they jump and to help them climb.

How do you perform a jump on a skateboard?

Start off with the ollie. This is the basic trick of popping the back end of the board, sliding your front foot up, and then landing it.

Facilities of high jump long jump tripple jump are?

Triple jump and long jump competitions are often conducted with the same track and landing pit. Take off lines are marked on the track to indicate the separate starting points. High jump requires a landing mat, uprights, crossbars, and a running and take-off area.

Do you measure from the front of the board or the back of the board for your approach for the long jump?

back of the board for your approach and front for the jump

How do you get past the goats on Nabooti Island?

You jump over the first two (the second one gives you a "lift" to the upper trail). The third one is tricky, because if you jump too far, you plummet back to the pool below. Try jumping in front of the goat, then over him, landing on the lower edge of the cliff. Jump them.

Should both feet land at once while landing a front walkover?

It doesn't really matter, but usually not because its not a front flip, so you don't really jump.

How are the front legs of a grasshopper different from the back legs?

The back legs help the grasshopper jump and the front legs help them stand even

How do people do split jumps?

A split jump is a form of exercise that mixes lunges with a jump. Start in the standard lunge position and as you jump you bring your back leg forward and the front leg to the back.

Why is a Kangaroos back legs stronger then front?

The kangaroos back legs are stronger then the front legs because they need the strength of thier back legs to jump and to use them to fight.

Why does your lower back hurt after you run and jump?

Two reasons, one you are straining yourself too much for the landing, or two you jumped from too high an altitude. If you have had reported back pains, it is what it is

How do you do a herkie?

you jump up in the air your front leg is straight in the air and you back leg is bent