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They are called the half boards because it's an area half-way between the blue line and the goal line. -- In a hockey rink, the half boards are the area along the side boards **half-way** between the blue line and the goal line, roughly from the hash marks to the top of the faceoff circle.

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Q: In ice hockey why is the area along the boards in the defensive end called the half boards?
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Dribbling In Hockey you are pushing the ball along and in Basketball you are bouncing the ball along the court in front of you.

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go along to you're nearest ice hockey team and express you're desires to play hockey in paticular to play in goals.

What is a legal check in hockey?

You can check at any speed anywhere on a player except you can't check them from behind and you cant check them when they are near the boards because you will get a boarding penalty. You are allowed to check them if they are along the boards though.You can do an open ice check which is when you check someone who is out in the open. But you are only allowed to check with your hips, torso, and shoulders. you are not allowed to raise your arms and you are not allowed to push with your hands and you definitely not allowed to kick.

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The GM (General Manager) for that year picks him, along with all other staff and players.

What are the boards called that run along the edge of a table and hangs down four or so inches from underneath the tabletop?

This board is typically called the "apron". It runs between the table legs and attaches to the underside of the tabletop. Hope that helps.