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Q: How many Olympic gold metals has shaun whit won?
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How many gold metals does Shaun White have?


How many gold metals did shaun white get?

Shaun White has two gold medals one in 2006 and one this year.

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How many 2010 olympic medals has Shaun White won?

He won the gold for men's halfpipe. That is the only event he is competing in at the 2010 Olympic games.

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How many gold 2006 Olympic medals did Germany win?

in 2006 winter games,germany won 11 gold metals

How many olympic metals did Shaun White win?

2 1 in the 2006 Olympics for mens half pipe 1 in the 2010 Olympics for mens half pipe

How many metals did Shaun White win?


How many gold metals have US won in wrestling?

Prior to the 2012 London Olympics, the US have won a total of 50 Olympic Gold Medals in Wrestling.

How many medals did Shaun White win in 2010?

1 Olympic medal.

How many olympic silver medals has Shaun White won?

0 (he has 2 golds)

How many olympic metals has el salvador won?

515. from the start of the olympic