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Well, the length of time from one freestyle to the next takes a lot less time passing a level. The elements get harder and harder, so it could take 5+ years.

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Q: How long will it take to get from Freestyle 3-4 to Senior level ice skating It took me 1year to get to Freestyle 3-4?
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Freestyle 5.

Can you still be in the Olympics at 16 and start figure skating at 11?

Technically, yes, but it would be quite complex and difficult. In order to compete at the Olympics, you must have passed all of your field move and free style tests as sanctioned by U.S. Figure Skating through the senior level. The senior level is the highest of eight levels. At each level, you must successfully pass the field moves test before taking the freestyle test. For most skaters, it takes about six months to learn and perfect the elements for each level, but as you go up the levels this can take longer. Also, the maturity of skating and quality needed to compete at a high level nationally and internationally take many years to develop. So, I would say that while this is a possible reality, I would suggest setting a more realistic goal that will allow you to enjoy skating and being the best you can be.

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Your coach should be able to tell you what level of competitive figure skating to start at (pre-juvenile, juvenile, pre-novice, novice, junior, senior) or if Competitive is right for you in the first place. If not, you can always compete in the more recreational side of figure skating, i.e. Starskate (entry level, pre-preliminary, preliminary, junior bronze, senior bronze, junior silver, senior silver, gold.) Also, taking a test will help you determine which level you're at.

What level of ice skating do you have to be to be an instructor?

You have to be 14 to be a USFSA coach, but you have to be 16 to be a PSA (professional skaters association) certified coach. As by levels, I guess you would have to be past basic skills1-8 and freestyle 1-6 to coach snowplow sam through basic 1, probably freestyle Juvenile or above to coach Freestyle 1-6 and freestyle pre-prelim.

What is the legal age to be in figure ice skating?

You have to be 16 years old to teach figure skating. But you must also have to pass the level/test that you want to teach for example if i was on intermitted i can't teach senior move in the field or freestyle. If you just want to learn, there is no limit to how old you must be! Find a class for adults or children and get started. I hope i helped :)

What is the highest level of figure skating?

I believe it is Senior. You must take a few tests to achieve the Senior level. If you pass than you are partially in the Senior level but must move on to take the next test. Hope This Helped!!! -Icesk8rgrl

What are skating pairs not allowed to do in ice skating?

Depends on your level

Risport RF4 figure skates can be used till which level in freestyle?

ISI DELTA, FREESTYLE 1,2 Freestyle 1-5 freeskate

Do you hyphen senior level?

Yes, if it's acting as an adjective. For instance, "senior-level official" and "senior-level coursework" would be hyphenated. But, if it's a noun (not describing a noun), it doesn't take a hyphen (e.g., "Competition is fiercer at the senior level.")

What is senior level career?

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Level IV