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If it's your first Double Axel attempt, you need to do some walk-throughs first. (A walk-through is where you walk out the jump without actually jumping.) Now you are ready to try from stand-still. Position your feet so that your left is facing where you want to jump, and your right is behind your left, in a perpendicular manner. This is a "T" position. Now, push off with your right foot and glide with your left for a short while. During this time, you need to bend your right leg and bring your right knee forwards. Once your knee is in front of your body, you will push off the ice with your left foot and rotate two and a half times around, landing on your right leg.

**This jump takes a lot of patience and practice.

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1,) When you go into it, do NOT pre-rotate your upper body, keep everything straight. Left arm in front. Same with your torso, stand up, Do NOT bend over, you've got a stick on your spine, stomach, and both your sides, don't break them. keep your head up, and, if your a girl trying this, pony tail over your tail bone.

2.) When you step into the three-turn step out but not so much as to create a deep curve, just enough to turn your three-turn quicker.

3.) After you turn your three-turn always check, (Sometimes it helps to wait a tiny bit before actually toeing it, watch sasha cohen's triple/double flip, she turns the three turn, then waits a little bit, sure its not a toe loop, but the same concept applies.)

4.) Keep your right arm up and behind you. Close over the right side.

5.) When you toe in, toe in directly behind you, (think about toeing in to the left, for right handed) do NOT toe in around you, this will cause the jump to be harder to control, and instead of being able to jump directly through like a waltz jump, you'll end up jumping around, which will delay rotation in the air, and it will be harder to fully rotate the jump and get the correct timing consistant.

6.) Keep your toe in leg straight, do not bend your knee, some skaters like to really beat up the ice when they toe in, this is not the correct way to jump a toe jump, the lutz, toe loop, and flip are toe assist jumps, in your toe loop, your jumping off of your right foot (the foot drawing) not your left foot (the foot that toes into the ice) that applies for both the flip and the lutz, in both of them your jumping off of the drawing foot, not the toeing foot. and Tap Light! pounding into the ice is not going to get you any higher, if it does than your jumping the jump incorrectly, the harder you dig your toepick into the ice, the more your going to get stuck, the key to getting more height is to bend your knees and keep your toeing leg straight. Not to mention, this method looks better.

7.) Jump directly through, the double toe loop and double solchow are just like the axel, those two jumps are pretty much axels with differant entries, your gonna three-turn then jump directly through, make sure when your jumping through, its all a continuous motion, do NOT toe in and wait till your forward to actually jump into the air, this is called a toe axel and technically is not a toe loop, but an axel with a three-turned entry. (after toeing in, think about drawing your feet back together and as they meet, your right foot will jump up and snap *like an axel* for right handed).

8.) As you toe in, your going to draw your feet back together, as said previously, this drawing will prevent popping of the jump, you pop when A.) Your feet are not together, but are far apart as you spring into the air and B.) When you do NOT have the proper knee bend.

9.) Do NOT pull the jump, this is the trickiest part for me, as you jump in the air, your going to close your left arm across your body and your right arm will close over your right side, instead of you closing your right arm across your left side and your left are over your left side. Closing your left arm across your body will keep the jump centered, if you've seen girls rotate sideways in the air, this is why, because they have pulled their jump. (the only time any girl should pull their jump is if they do not get enough knee bend *air/height* and they NEED to pull their jump in order to create that extra rotation, this will be prevented with proper knee bend.) Keep trying those things until you get full rotation.

10.) Once you have full rotation you are ready to land, if the jump is centered over your right side, you should be able to land and kick out automatically, if your having trouble with this think of these things. A.) As/if you fall, always try to fall with the left foot out/in front of you, this proves that you are capable of kicking out and that you are simply too far back on your heel. (point your feet in the air to prevent this) B.) When you land, even if you fall, land/fall with that left arm in the front, most problems girls have with their landings is that they either pull into the jump, causing the jump to be off center and too far over the left side, or they try to pull out the landing, swinging their left arm out in the process, Keep Your Left Arm In The Front! At All Times! This will ensure that when you land, the landing is solid and there is no need for a turn out.


*Do NOT pre-rotate your body.

*step in with a curve. Note: sometimes this causes problems, it depends on the skater, if stepping in with a small curve makes it impossible to check, then step straight, but usually it is easier for the skater to step with that little curve to get that full rotation, you just have to make sure your left arm is in front and you don't toe around.

*Check Your Arms! Check meaning stop them and lock them in place with the left arm in front.

*keep your right arm up and in the back when going into it, keep your elbow above your ear.

*toe in directly behind you, after you've turned that three-turn, think about toeing in to the left side, you'll end up toeing in directly behind you but if you but try to get it to feel like your toeing to the left, this will keep you from toeing around.

*keep your toe in leg straight and don't pound into the ice, this won't help you get any rotation or height, the key is tapping in light and getting as much knee bend as possible.

*jump straight through, just like an axel/waltz jump. Don't jump around, jumping around will make the jump harder to control.

*Once you've toed in, draw your feet back together, bring them together, let them meet, then kick the right foot through.

*Do NOT pull the jump, keep your left arm across your body and your right arm over your right side, pulling it won't make it rotate any more, it just throws it off center.

*If you've done all the above things correctly you should be able to land without a problem. If you've done everything correctly and it still isn't landing try walking through it, try double toe loops on land, falling with the left arm in front and ask a coach what your doing wrong, if your attempting double toes without a coach then they will be a lot harder to land but have a friend take videos and critique your technique yourself, compare what your doing to what you need to be doing and try to fix it.

*after you've done a number of them, leave it, you'll notice sometimes they'll be really good then they just start popping or you start pulling or they just don't go right, this is your body telling you to leave them, you don't want to continue doing them wrong, this will enforce bad technique.

*last but not least, Bend Your Knees! this should be self explanitory but always bend your knees.

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