The more turns you make the slower you go. So I suggest the faster you wanna go, the less turns make and drive in a straight row, while this may be dangerous because if you go really fast and there is some bump on the hill, then you can end up with a broken leg.
good ski's to ski faster
To go faster
Well ski's doesn't matter anymore. The question is, are you lucky to chase far away from the avalanche?
Easy they are all the same. It's just a diffrent model.
The friction (the air going against you) is lessened
Certainly, if you have the mechanical engineering skill.
If the motor is blown up .no If running yes.
It reduces friction between the bottom of the ski and the top of the snow.
because if they have a smooth surface they ski faster
Put more of your weight on your inside, downhill ski edge.
a bigger sail would mean a bigger pulling force so it would make the buggy go faster