It reduces friction between the bottom of the ski and the top of the snow.
Yes, people use wax in sports for example surfing you must wax the board for grip.
Olympic cross-country skiing is many people racing to see who can get to the finish line faster by cross-country skiing, or skiing on flat land.
skiing downhill is much faster. An pro skiier will achieve speeds of up to 80mph on a typical downhill course. The current downhill ski record stands at just over 151mph
To go faster
Yes, wax will lower the drag coefficient of the snowboard.
It helps you to go faster.
I use universal, especially if 1) I am unsure of the conditions, 2) conditions will change dramatically during the day 3) in general, because it will be unaffected by conditions.
because in the wax it has something in that makes it burn faster.
both r the same
Skis work by melting the snow under them so they go faster.
Waxing skis make your skis faster. You also want to have smooth bottoms on your skis. Smooth bottoms of your ski - It is CRITCIAL to avoid skiing over rocks, dirt, or anything that is not ice and snow. This can cause scratches, nicks, and divots in the bottom of your ski. You want the bottoms to be as smooth and scratch free if possible. The smoother they are, the more surface area touches the snow which allows you to ski faster. "Burrs" are what they call nicks on your edges and the bottom of your ski. Waxing your skis - This is usually done the night before a ski race. You melt wax over your skis with and then iron the wax over the skis. Ski wax comes in a variety of colors which are associated with different temperature ranges. The purpose of different wax for different temperatures is because the consistency of the snow changes with the temperature. The day of the race you scrape the wax off your skis. There will be some wax that still remains on the bottom and will quickly wear off. Consult a local ski shop for proper technique. Waxing also protects your skis. If you don't wax them, the bases can become oxidized.