

What is faster speed skates or hockey skates?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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Q: What is faster speed skates or hockey skates?
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Related questions

Are speed skates hockey skates or figure skates the longest?

Speed Skates have the longest blade.

Can you skate faster on hockey skates or speed skates?

Speed skates are designed to fast. The skates are designed with alot of aerdynamics , but must be comfortable to. The answer is speed skates because they have longer blades making turning sharp harder but holding a fast speed easier and in more control.

Why do figure skates have a toe pick and not hockey skates?

That's because hockey skates are mainly for speed, and toe picks slow you down, and figure skates have toe picks which gives you more control.

What is a speed skater?

someone who skates especially fast, like in hockey.

Which is the best hockey skates?

it really depends on your foot and what fits you best, i like the Bauer skates, because they are light weight and focus on speed.

What are R Hockey Skates?

hockey skates are skates that u use in hockey. they are different that figure skates because there is no pick, the blades are slightly curved, and they connect to the skate in the front and the back.

What is meaning of getting skates on?

It means speed up or hurry up. If you put skates on (not literally) you'll go faster.

Who made the first pair of hockey skates?

the first hockey skates were made by trevor radin

Do ice bumps damage hockey skates?

No, ice bumps do not ruin your hockey skates. Thanks, Sid

What Sports equipment starts with i?

Ice skates are sports equipment. They are used in hockey, figure skating and speed skating.

What is the most expensive brand of ice hockey skates?

The Reed Edge Ice Hockey Skates, $5,000 or the grafs

What is the difference between hockey skates and figure skates?

Figure skate blades are thicker, and the balance point is at the back, with more blade extending past the heel compared to hockey skates. They also have toe picks, to help with jumps and other maneuvers for figure skating. Figure skates are also "rockered" differently, meaning the blade curves differently, so turning is different in figure skates compared to hockey skates, as the balance is different. Figure skate blades are thicker, too, so they can be faster, as you have more blade contact to push off of. Hockey skates have no toe picks, as with toe picks, if you accidentally drag your foot or put it too far forward on the ice, you can fall. Also, hockey skates are balanced more neutrally, in the middle of the skate, which helps with recovering balance during the fast maneuvering and contact in the game. Hockey skates have thinner blades, so compared to figure skates, you're going to apply less power to the ice, but they glide a little bit easier than figure skates. Also, compared to figure skates, hockey skates have much tougher construction, as they have to be able to take pucks/sticks, etc.