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Q: 3 goals is called hatrick what is four goals called?
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What is a heart-trick?

You mean a hatrick when a player scores 3 goals in one match.

What do they do with the hatrick hats?

Hat-trick hats haven't been given out for many a year; a hat-trick occurs when someone scores 3 goals in a match. In some countries, a "pure" hat-trick is only recognised when 3 goals are scored one after the other with no-one else scoring in-between.

What is the definition of Mexican hat trick?

3 goals in a single game.

Name four important goals that people can achieve thyrough the use of speech communication?

The four goals are: 1.Get 2.Your 3.Own 4.Answer

What is iT called when you make 3 goals in a row in ice hocky?

it is called a hat trick

What is 3 goals in football?

There are 17 rules in soccer, but here are the most important 3, Probably only touch the ball with your hands if your a goalie, kick with the side of your foot (Not toe), and follow the rules! Hope this helped! :)

What is it called if 3 goals are scored in an ice hockey game?

A hat trick

What do you call it when someone gets two hockey goals in the same period?

nothing it's just called 2 goals. if you get 3 in a game that's called a hat-trick.

What is four goals in a single hockey game called?

I play hockey and I don't know of any name that would be for 4 howls but 3 girls a hockey game is called a hat trick

How many times previously has Cristiano Ronaldo scored four goals in a game?

0, he has scored 3 vs Newcastle though!

What does a psychologist study?

the four main goals of psychology 1. observe and describe. 2. understand and explain 3. predict 4. influence and control. the four main goals of psychology 1. observe and describe. 2. understand and explain 3. predict 4. influence and control.

What were the four goals that various progressive reform movements struggled to achieve?

The four goals that various progressive reform movements struggled to achieve were protecting social welfare, promoting moral improvement, creating economic reform, and fostering efficiency.