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It is an incredible 33.16 m high. The Olympic high diving board is only 10 metres, by comparison. You hit the water 7.28 metres away.

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Q: You took a running leap off a high diving platform You were running at 2.8 ms and hit the water 2.6 s later How high was the platform and how far from the edge of the platform did you hit the water?
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You took a running leap off a diving platform You were running at 3.0 ms and hit the water 2.5 s later How high was the platform and how far from the edge of the platform did you hit the water?

Ignoring air resistance, height = 30.625 metres - which is high - men's Olympic high diving is from 27 metres.You would hit the water 7.5 metres away.

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Swimming is a water sport. Additional water sports include synchronized platform diving and synchronized springboard diving.

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No running. No diving in the shallows water.

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What is the height of the lowest diving board?

Diving events at the Olympics are at 3 meters (springboard) and 10 meters (platform).

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I would say scuba diving. You can get the bends, or nitrogen narcosis. There is also the factor of running out oxygen during a dive.

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No running, no breath holding, no playing dead, no horse play, no diving(Shallow water) and no splashing.

What is meant by discover local diving?

discovering scuba diving in the local vicinity. this could be diving underwater in fresh water, sea water or fresh water cavern diving

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No diving, no running, life jackets/floaties, no deep water, hour after eating, stay supervised.

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Where is the world's tallest diving board?

The world's tallest diving board is located at the Abhejali Sky pool in Tianjin, China. It stands at a height of about 108 feet (33 meters) above the water surface.