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co-ordination is important because otherwise the boat will tip over

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Q: Why is coordination in rowing important and how can you improve it?
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No, Hallucinogens do not improve coordination, concentration and attention.

What can playing basketball improve?

Hand eye coordination

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coordination is the most important component

Do wiis allow physical activity and improve finger and eye coordination?

tecnically it allows you to move your hands but nothing else really. And it doesn't' really improve finger coordintion but it does improve eye coordination But the Wii Fit that just came out in 2008 in June does let you move your legs, arms, finger (etc) and does improve both eye and finger coordination

How does sports improve hand eye coordination?

Sports, Such as ping - pong and tennis, Can improve your hand- eye coordination by training your eyes to react to your surrounding faster. Try playing pingpong. That's a quick way to improve hand- eye coordination. Hope I helped. =] i found karate helped allot with mine as i have disphraxia.

How does the steady hand game improve hand eye coordination?

yes it does

What are Concept2 rowing machines used for?

Concept2 rowing machines are a form of exercise rowers used by people to stay in shape. They are primarily used by people looking to improve their overall fitness.

Where can I find a rowing machine to help improve my heart health?

I would recommend finding a local gym equipment store that has specialists that can help you find a rowing machine appropriate for you and your budget.

What is eye hand coordination important for?

Eye-hand coordination is important for sports or when you have a really angry spouse and they throw things at you cause if you have eye-hand coordination than you can catch watever they are throwing.^_^

How can you improve on your eye-brain-body coordination?

To improve eye-brain-body coordination, you can try activities that require focus and hand-eye coordination like playing sports, juggling, or practicing yoga. Additionally, exercises such as tracking moving objects with your eyes or playing video games that involve rapid decision-making can also help enhance coordination. Consistent practice and repetition are key to improving these skills.

Is the PlayStation good for your co-ordination?

It would help to improve hand eye coordination