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Q: What can playing basketball improve?
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Related questions

Can an introverted young basketball player improve his game if he gets nervous playing in front of others?

A basketball player will improve his game under any environment as long as he is playing basketball. You can be 6 years old playing on the playground or a 10 year veteran in the NBA who has won 7 championships, but the more you play basketball, the more you improve your game. The introverted kid will learn how to play in front of others and will become better at playing in front of crowds. Eventually, his nerves will disappear or lessen.

How do you improve your basketball shot?

You can improve your basketball shot by practicing.

How do you improve in basketball?

This is the answer for about everything. PRACTICE

What type of playing field does basketball require?

You play basketball on a court, not a "playing field".

What are the objections of playing basketball?

Basketball goal kobe bryant basketball

Why are there lines in a basketball?

TO Help you Grip the Basketball when you are playing

How was street basketball invented?

Playing basketball in the street..

Where to get training for basketball?

At a basketball court. Try and join a program or a team to improve better.

What are the materials use in playing basketball?

Clothes needed for basketball is some type of uniform and basketball shoes you shouldn't wear baggey clothing while playing basketball.

How many basketball players have a career playing basketball?

I would say a lot because you can make a lot of money playing basketball as a career.

What is recreational basketball?

Recreational Basketball, is playing basketball outside of a club or school, either playing it by urself or with your friends at the local Court. Recreational basketball is usually played outdoors

What age was Teresa Edwards when she started playing basketball?

how old was teresa edwards when she started playing basketball?