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Q: Who is creator of swimming contest?
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Which American films are about a fish-boy who cheats at a swimming contest?

there is a film called 'the thirteenth year' about a boy and he wins a swimming contest because he is a merman :).

Why a person might hold their breath?

Maybe for a contest, swimming, if they are nervous, or scared.

What did the contestant have to do to win the golden mermaid trophy in the 1st Miss America contest in 1921?

Swimming, Water Ballet?

In the story Beowulf who Criticized another man for having lost a swimming contest?

Unferth because he was jealous of his men admiring Beowulf

In which type of race do you NOT cross the finish line?

An arms race, an eating contest, a swimming race (the race is finished when a swimmer touches the wall, so they don't pass anything in order to finish).

How do you get the trophy in the sim girls game?

U'll have to wait for the swimming contest that's either on - 27, 55, 83 P.S ~ U hav 2 win

An athletic contest in which participants compete without stopping in three successive events?

It's called a triathlon. The 3 events are: Swimming Cycling Running

What is swimming competition or relay scores?

swimming competition is when people swim in a contest like event, where they swim against the other members of other swim teams and they do different events and one is called a relay and the score the relay to see who wins.

What is the song that is used for the Corden and Horne trailer this week - over sync swimming sketch?

'Waterloo' by ABBA. They won the 1974 Eurovision Song Contest with this song.

How do you get the trophy in sim girls 4?

U'll have to wait for the swimming contest that's either on - 27, 55, 83 P.S ~ U hav 2 win

What is the name for triathlon of cycling running and swimming?

There is none! __________ The best answers I could come up with are contest and athletic competition. also decathlon

What was the flavor that won the Food networks Haagen Dazs ice cream flavor contest in 2007?

The flavor that won the Food Networks Haagen Dazs ice cream flavor contest in 2007 was the Caramelized Pear and Toasted Pecan. The creator of the ice cream was from Buffalo, New York.