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Q: Which person has swam the furthest in the world?
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What is the furthest Spain have got in the World Cup?

the furthest Spain have got in any world cup is the finals + they won the world cup.

What capital is furthest north?

Reykjavik, Iceland is the capital furthest north in the world.

How far has man ever swam into the ocean without a machine?

The furthest a person has swum without assistance from a machine is approximately 110 miles. This record was set by Benoît Lecomte in 1998 when he swam across the Atlantic Ocean from Massachusetts to France.

If a whale swam into a person would the person die?

you dont die when you eat shusi

What is the furthest South Korea have ever got in the world cup?

the furthest is the semi final

Which country is furthest ahead in time compared to the rest of the world?

The country that is furthest ahead in time compared to the rest of the world is New Zealand.

Which country is the furthest ahead in time compared to the rest of the world?

The country that is the furthest ahead in time compared to the rest of the world is New Zealand.

Which country is the furthest behind in time compared to the rest of the world?

The country that is the furthest behind in time compared to the rest of the world is American Samoa.

Who was the person that drilled the furthest into the earth?

Jules Verne.

What is the furthest east in the world?

Nothing because the world is spherical

Anna and she swam or Anna and her swam in the pool?

Anna and she swam in the pool. It is easy to remember when you can state the sentence as: Anna swam in the pool. She swam in the pool (not: Her swam in the pool), so combined they would be Anna and she swam in the pool.

What is the furthest back time zone in the world?

The furthest back time zone in the world is UTC-12, also known as the Baker Island time zone.