Water Polo because you can get drowned i played both but water polo players and the goalies have to swim from 1 mile to 20 miles a game. On top of that they have to try and get the ball past the goalie and the def in 30 sec and if its a 3 feet pool they still cant tough the bottom (unless your the goalie.) I have also been playing soccer for 12 years water polo players are aloud to punch the person there defending but in soccer if you even hit the person your def you could get a yellow or red card depending on the reff. You can get a broken ankle in soccer but it does not compare to an injery in water polo
Soccer is very famous than other sports.
the incas played something similar to soccer.
soccer, water polo & ya mum
Basketball, Volleyball ,soccer ,water polo and ice hockey
American football, baseball, soccer, field hockey
Not at all. Polo is a ball game played on horseback using Polo sticks whereas football (Soccer) is played on foot.
Water polo is often compared to soccer because of the similar field set-up, with two goals, each at opposing ends of the pool. The main difference between water polo and soccer, besides that fact that water polo is played in the water, is the fact that you use your hands. Water polo is also compared to basketball a lot. The plays are similar, and there are many other similar aspects, such as the large amount of fast-breaks. but also in 1860's its kinda related to football but later on the years it change its way go to waterpolox.blogspot.com
Harder soccer is a fast paced and intense kind of soccer. People tackle harder and there are less restrictions from the referee.
There are no points in water polo, the aim is to score goals as in football (or soccer)
Soccer (Football), Is followed by south America, Europe, Africa and Asia.
water polo, rugby, football(soccer) and chariot races
football soccer hockey volleyball basketball baseball lacross water polo