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Q: When performing the freestyle stroke lifting the head up as you swim causes your legs to sink true or false?
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Related questions

What is the difference between freestyle and back stroke in swimming?

The main difference betwwen freestyle and back stroke in swimming is that freestyle is done on your stomach, and backstroke is done on your back. Freestyle is also a much faster stroke than back stroke.

Give 3 faces of freestyle stroke?

give three phases of freestyle stroke

Is the 500 yard free style a choice stroke?

No, however, if you do any of the other strokes during a freestyle race, you will not get disqualified. Freestyle is a stroke in its own, though. i am a swimmer and the freestyle just means that if your coach says it is Ok then you may swim another stroke.

Who created a freestyle stroke?

a buble gum did

What stroke is ian thorpe best at?


What is a crawl stroke in swimming?

"Slow Crawl" refers to commonly know "free style stroke" at a slow speed. It is call that because the freestyle stroke resembles someone crawling.

What is crawl stroke in swimming?

Freestyle, basically. Crawl stroke was the REALLY old name for it.

What is Stephanie rice's favorite stroke in swimming?

It is freestyle

What stroke does Stephanie rice do?

Medley, Freestyle and Butterfly.

Why is freestyle the most efficient swimming stroke?

It is the fastest.

What are some ways to swim?

There are four strokes; Breast stroke, Butterfly, Freestyle and Back Stroke

In what sport do you use a flip turn?

The stroke is called Freestyle.