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There are no legal requirements to Scuba dive. In other words, anyone can scuba dive without breaking a law (assuming you are not doing an illegal underwater activity such as illegal fishing). However, if you are not certified, you will not be able to rent or buy equipment or get someone to fill your scuba cylinder.

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Q: What legal requirements do you need to scuba dive?
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Does one need to know swimming to scuba dive?

of course

What gear do you need to deepsea dive?

You you either need a bathysphere or "scuba" equipment.

Where in Naples FL can one purchase a scuba mask?

There are a few shops in Naples, FL that offer to opportunity to purchase scuba equipment, one of them is The Naples Florida Scuba Dive Shop which offers everything you would need to scuba dive.

Do you have to be a certain weight or body type to be a scuba diver?

No, you don't need a certain body type to scuba dive. Because you use flippers to SCUBA dive, you can be a very lousy swimmer and learn to SCUBA dive. You may look stupid with a very tight wet suit during scuba diving, but you can dive. When I got certified, I learned that you have a very slightly higher chance of the Bends during scuba diving, but this is a small percentage. The pros of scuba diving outweigh the cons.

Do you need experience to scuba dive?

I am a scuba diver. To start SCUBA, you must pass training. Many training centers are available in many areas.

need to find a store in or around Ocean City, Maryland that sells scuba dive equipment and gear?

There is a store called Scuba Dive that sells equipment and gear in Ocean City

Can you scuba dive with dentures?

Old people don't need to get in the ocean

What is the thing that is a firm grip to move the light in big nate?

it is a lobster and you need to scuba dive to get it

How do you get a scuba certification?

You will need to train with a certified SCUBA company. PADI and BSAC are two of the best known. Try their websites for local dive clubs which will run training couses.

Can you Scuba dive for lobsters in New Hampshire?

Yes, you can if you have a lobster license. You can get one easily. However, after a certain amount, you need a commercial license. If you can find a pond or lake with them, you can dive for them with a license.

What physical things do you need to scuba dive?

You need a wetsuit/drysuit, first and second stage apparatus, a snorkel (to save air), whistle/airhorn, buddy, certification, scuba tanks, and you would need a mask, defogger, and there is some optional equipment that you may need.

Where can you dive 30 feet deep?

Most often, 30 foot dives will take place in open water. There are some dive training centers with dive pools that may be deep enough. If you are planning to free dive (hold your breath at surface, dive, and return), you can go out into open water and try some free diving, shallow at first. Do not do this without a swim/dive buddy. If you want to dive SCUBA, you'll need to get certified first to avoid killing yourself. When ascending after breathing air under pressure, you'll need to do it properly. Free dive or SCUBA dive, I would never recommend diving without a swim/dive buddy with you.