Usually around $10.00-$13.00 per hour.
To keep warm, as sometimes they can be in the water for a few hours at a time and might be stationary at times.
He was powerful enough to become god of the underworld and some people worshipped him. It was kinda rare though.
You are kinda scared at first, but when you realize you are treading water, you put most of your brainpower to keep stroking.
It depends on what follows instructors. Plural Your parents met with your instructors. Possessive Plural Your instructors' expectations included that every student will succeed.
breaststoke is the most common, but some swimming instructors teach you to do front crawl with your head above water. (reason being: so you can see whats ahead of you if you have to (for example) save/help someone in the water.)
Obviously it is unhealthy. Just let it go on with its life and it will die when it needs to.
the butterfly stroke cuz u have to put ur chest above the water which to me is kinda hard.
Yes, associate instructors are indeed considered faculty members.
In 2011 the DSA records 47000 Approved Driving Instructors.
This depends on the rest of the sentence E.g. Your instructors are happy with your progress or Your instructor's watch has gone missing, have you seen it? or Your instructors' meeting was a waste of time as none of them brought their notes
Because they are constantly swimming against the current of a river where as sea otters float around...kinda.