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There are only about a dozen to two dozen skydiving fatalities annually. Although any fatalities are tragic, given the number of people that skydive at the hundreds of drop zones around the world, this number is very reasonable.

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Q: What is the statistics for skydiving fatalities?
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How many people died skydiving in 2008?

According to, the US saw 34 skydiving fatalities in 2008. lists an additional 30 fatalities from the rest of the world.

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There is no correlation between race and skydiving fatalities. What a question to ask!

How many people have died from skydiving in australia?

i don't know the answer to that but the statistics for the whole globe is 1:100,000 skydivers per year

What are Sky Diving death rates compared to motorcycle death rates?

I think that motorcycle death rates would be much higher than skydiving death rates. There are roughly 30 deaths for the year of 2008 in skydiving, according to most of the skydiving websites on the internet. Motorcycle fatalities are sure to be higher due to the fact that more people ride motorcycles than skydive. The sport of skydiving involves extensive schooling and training whereas most people who ride motorcycles learn pretty much from relatives and friends how to ride a motorcycle. Most skydiving fatalities are usually attributed by the skydivers error it is unfortunate but usually true. Motorcycle fatalities are somtimes attributed by the drivers error but many fatalities are attributed by other drivers such as those who drive cars. It is much more dangerous to drive a motorcycle because you stand a greater chance of being killed by others drivers but in skydiving the only one who basically kill you is yourself. I have done both skydived and driven on motorcycles and although both are dangerous sports I can honestly say that in skydiving I can make sure that I will safely because it is my ultimate duty to make sure all safety precautions have been taken, this is not so regarding driving my motorcycle. Why? I can make sure all safety precautions are taken when I am riding my mortorcycle but I am literally at the mercy of the other drivers around me.

What is the statistics of traffic accidents in the UK?

The statistics of traffic accidents in the United Kingdom in 2011 were 203,950 casualties reported on the roads of Great Britain. Of these 1,901 were fatalities and 23,122 were serious casualties.

How many people are killed while driving in Canada?

Statistics kept by Transport Canada for 2009 show 2,209 fatalities. I couldn't find data later than 2009, although TC issued a number of statements that fatalities have been dropping steadily for the past 10 years. The statistics don't say if the deaths were drivers or passengers.

What is a catchy logo for skydiving?

If first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you.

How did skydiving get cool?

Skydiving is always cool ;)

Approximately how many people were killed last year in Florida in traffic crashes?

Florida's traffic crash statistics (2008-2009) are 2,563 fatalities.

What is the skydiving in Bangladesh?

There is nothing like skydiving in Bangladesh.

How many construction workers die each year US?

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there were 1,066 construction worker fatalities in the US in 2019.

What makes skydiving so dangers?

The straightforward answer is 'it's not'. The most dangerous part of any skydiving expedition I've been on in over 37 years of doing it is driving to the drop zone (DZ) and driving back.You are far more at risk of death or serious injury being in a car than when skydiving. There has only been onefatality in the last two years in the UK and well over 450,000 descents were made without incident.As in any sport, there is an element of risk, but there are far more fatalities and injuries in horse riding and angling!