I think that motorcycle death rates would be much higher than skydiving death rates. There are roughly 30 deaths for the year of 2008 in skydiving, according to most of the skydiving websites on the internet. Motorcycle fatalities are sure to be higher due to the fact that more people ride motorcycles than skydive. The sport of skydiving involves extensive schooling and training whereas most people who ride motorcycles learn pretty much from relatives and friends how to ride a motorcycle. Most skydiving fatalities are usually attributed by the skydivers error it is unfortunate but usually true. Motorcycle fatalities are somtimes attributed by the drivers error but many fatalities are attributed by other drivers such as those who drive cars. It is much more dangerous to drive a motorcycle because you stand a greater chance of being killed by others drivers but in skydiving the only one who basically kill you is yourself. I have done both skydived and driven on motorcycles and although both are dangerous sports I can honestly say that in skydiving I can make sure that I will safely because it is my ultimate duty to make sure all safety precautions have been taken, this is not so regarding driving my motorcycle. Why? I can make sure all safety precautions are taken when I am riding my mortorcycle but I am literally at the mercy of the other drivers around me.
70,000 dead
You should choose a motorcycle loan with the lowest interest rates when buying a new motorcycle.
What affects death rates???Quite a few things can affect death rates a few of them are:warfaminedroughtdiseaseThese are just a few of the things which affect death rates
If birth rates exceed death rates, the population increases proportionally. If death rates exceed birth rates, the population decreases.
Birth rates rise as death rates fall?
There are a number of insurance companies offering motorcycle insurance. The rates are based upon the individual's driving record. For instance, Geico and Progressive both offer great rates on motorcycle insurance.
Progressive and GEICO both offer low rates on motorcycle insurance. However, if you'd like to specify more what your wants and needs are, try Netquote.com to compare rates.
According to the NHTSA, survival rates are not very good for motorcycle crashes. According to a chart, out of 100,000 registered motorcycles, the 2004 fatality rate was 69.33.
"Geico offers the cheapest insurance rates for motorcycles, depending on your driving record and the type of motorcycle you own. Allstate also offers competitive rates."
Bank rates can be compared in many ways. One way to compare bank rates is visit websites that compare some of the best bank rates. Also, you can call different banks to check on their rates.
A basic minimum amount of insurance is required when operating a motorcycle in Canada. Nationwide offers motorcycle insurance in Canada. The rates vary according to the motorcycle, your age, and your driving record.
mortality rate - Death Rate