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I guess the most popular stroke is the Arm Crawl/Arm stroke/Freestyle. . . maybe because it's the easiest.

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Q: What is the most popular stroke?
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What is the favorite swimming stroke?

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What is the most popular swimming stroke?

Front crawl is the fastest swimming stroke in swimming. According to world record times, at every distance in international competition, the order of swimming stroke speeds from fastest to slowest is: 1. Front crawl (commonly known as, and chosen for, freestyle) 2. Butterfly 3. Backstroke 4. Breaststroke

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What is the most common way to swim?

I depends on the context but the default swim for most people is definitely the freestyle. It is the first form a swimming taught to children. It was originally called the front crawl but after it's dominance in freestyle swim competitions (competitions where any stroke could be used) it eventually became known as freestyle swimming. It became popular in the middle of the 19th century and before that the breast stroke was the most used stroke.

What are the different types of swimming?

The most popular swimming stroke is the Australian Crawl. Also, it is one of the fastest. Others include the Butterfly, backstroke, and of course, the dogpaddle!

What are the most common symptoms you get AFTER a stroke?

The most common symptoms you get after a stroke are initial disabilities such as muscle problems.

What is the nost difficult stroke in swimming?

It is most often down to personal capabilities. It is generally seen to be the stroke, Butterfly, as the most difficult.

Which blood vessel is most commonly implicated in a stroke?

The middle cerebral artery is the one most commonly blocked (occluded) in a stroke.

How can you differentiate 2 stroke and 4 stroke vehicle by appearance only?

The most obvious difference is that a two stroke has no valves and valve gear.

What are the most popular models of flat track motorcycles?

Flat Track motorcycle models vary but are all geared for the sport of Flat Track racing. Most motorcycles can be used for Flat Track racing and can have either two stroke or four stroke engines in amateur competition. Some brands that are used are Triumph and Harley Davidson.