

Does sweep rowing use the most muscles of any sport?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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10y ago

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well tennis might be one of the sports

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Q: Does sweep rowing use the most muscles of any sport?
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What is sweep rowing?

"sweep rowing" is a type of rowing stroke. A sweep oar boat is where each rower has only one oar, on alternate sides down the boat, and a sculling boat is one where each rower has 2 oars, one in each hand. A sweep rowing boat can hold 1, 2, 4 or 8 rowers, and a sculling boat can hold 1, 2 or 4.

Using free weights what are the muscles used in a one arm row?

focus on your legs, hamstrings quods etc. rowing is really an all body sport. all your muscles are important, work your legs your abs your arms your shoulder and lower back (this is where most rowers get injuries) and your gluts

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Boxing. If the fighters are well matched, and the fight goes fifteen rounds, that is 45 straight minutes of someone trying to beat the hell out of you while you are expending the energy to try and do the same to them.

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historically rowing however cycling performed very well at Beijing

Is rowing a hard sport?

Rowing is most definitely not easy unlike the song "row, row, row your boat gently down the stream", it is one of the top intense training sports out there next to cross-country skiing, however the rewards and benefits balance out. Do not join this sport unless your ready for a challenge (hate to be cheesy, but i speak from experience). If you are ready, though, it is one of the greatest sports out there, filled with a lifetime of experiences.

Is rowing a good physical sport?

yes, for the most part it is. just depends on your term "physical" great for arms,bt poorly on legs How can you say it is poor for legs, when most of the power for rowing comes from the legs? Rowing is an excellent exercise that involves almost all of the major muscle groups and develops both muscle strength and cardio-vascular endurance. Rowing is a fantastic sport physically because as said, it uses all the major muscle groups, your core, arms and legs are all important factors, as well as this it works on the cardio-vascuar system. Rowing is also a low-impact sport, and if you have good technique you could spend years rowing without an injury unlike many other sports. Another aspect of rowing which people often over look is it's balance benefits.

What are the top 10 most popular sport in the uk?

Football, Rugby, Cricket, Tennis, Darts, Swimming, Rowing, Hockey, Athletics and Netball

Which event did new zealand get the most medals in the 2012 Olympics?

None of there 13 medals were won in the same event. Rowing was the sport they won the most medals in with 5

What are the most famous sports at cornell university?

Historically, Cornell Hockey is the sport with the most rabid fans. Many sports are strong at Cornell, including wrestling, rowing, and lacrosse.

What is the most healthy sport in the world?

Probably swimming, uses most of the muscles and seldom causes harm to player or others.

How do you use science in sport?

The most obvious science topic to do with sport are the muscles in your body and the bones etc. You could also do about the heart and how it speeds up when you do sports.

Is rowing good?

Yes. Rowing is a fantastic sport which can be enjoyed socially, or can be pursued competitively. To succeed competitively, one needs to be physically strong and mentally strong. Furthermore, being a closed skill sport, it is possible to improve one's rowing by practicing, and lack of coordination is less of a hindrance than in many other sports.