A seed time is your previous time in any given event when you enter a meet. This determines what heat you will be placed in to swim your race. The time you get when you swim that race is called your final time.
I am a swimmer, if you are talking about a best time at a previous meet...then yes that would probably be your seed time depending on if your coach would put you in at your best time. Hope that i helped! (:
Swimming Time was created in 2000.
A seed time is the time that you currently have coming into the meet so your best time.
The cotyledon of the seed develops into a seedling at the time of germination.
Fertilization in most seed plants does not require swimming sperm, as they are transported within pollen grains and delivered directly to the plant ovule for fertilization to occur. This eliminates the need for water as a medium for fertilization, unlike in non-seed plants or aquatic plants where swimming sperm are necessary to reach the egg.
Like the whole time their swimming through the ocean and Dory keeps on singing "just keep swimming, just keep swimming."
Southern California Swimming Reportable Time. Once meeting this standard, time will be submitted for ranking.
No they did not time swimming races with using stopwatches in1950.They counted...
well if you swimm for a long time your arms get use to swimming that's what causes that if you swim for a long time your body gets use to the swimming that's what causes that to happen when you get done swimming if you swim for a long time your body gets use to the swimming that's what causes that to happen when you get done swimming
a time period in which the seed will not germinate and is unreceptive to outside signals
Yes, it is a seed that can be kept over time.