

What is a seed time?

Updated: 10/23/2022
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13y ago

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A seed time is the time that you currently have coming into the meet so your best time.

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Q: What is a seed time?
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Which part of the seed develops into a seedling at the time of germination?

The cotyledon of the seed develops into a seedling at the time of germination.

Is sweet corn viable maize seed?

Yes, it is a seed that can be kept over time.

What is meant by dormancy of seed?

a time period in which the seed will not germinate and is unreceptive to outside signals

Can a seed be viable and dormant at the same time?

Yes, a seed can be viable (able to germinate) and dormant (not actively growing) at the same time. Viability refers to the seed's ability to germinate under favorable conditions, while dormancy is a period of arrested growth or development. Seeds can remain dormant for extended periods until conditions are suitable for germination.

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Seed Dormancy is a problem in which seed is unable to germinate in a specific period of time, under the most suitable environment.

How did Mendel test the idea that the color of the seed of a pea plant affected the seed shape?

He tested seed shape and color at the same time.

What is seed time in swimming?

A seed time is your previous time in any given event when you enter a meet. This determines what heat you will be placed in to swim your race. The time you get when you swim that race is called your final time.

What is the best time to transplant seed and why?

Rainy season is the best time to transplant seed. During rainy season, there is a lot of humidity, hence the seed sprouts will get required good quality of water for a better growth.

What is a seed plow?

A seed plow is a plow that plows the land and drops the seeds into the furrows at the same time.

What is a seed coat that doesnt germinate for a long time?

Kentucky coffee tree takes a long time to germinate because of the thick seed head. If you take a file, score the seed head and it will sprout faster. This is called scarification.

Where do you get a golden seed in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon explorers of time?

You can find a golden seed randomly in a golden chamber.