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a fast time is around 35sec or less but that is at state/national level normally 45 and under ur doing great but 35sec and under is bloody brill

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Q: What is a fast time for a 12 year old at 50 meters frontcrawl?
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What is the fastest time for a 12 year old at 50 metrers frontcrawl?

someone has done it 31 secs

Is a 15.1 second 100 meter dash in regular sneakers for an untrained twelve year old considered track team team fast?

A time of 15.1 seconds in the 100 meters for a 12 year old is a good time. It is not considered especially fast, but it is likely as fast or faster than average.

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"Meters per second" is a proper and wonderful unit for speed, but there's no answer to that question, because a 'light-year' is not a speed. It's a distance, defined as the distance that light travels through vacuum in one year. Speed of light in vacuum . . . 299,792,458 meters per second Length of 1 light-year . . . . . 9.4605284 × 1015 meters

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How fast it runs depends on its width and depth and time of year.

What is the average speed over 100 meters for a twelve year old girl?

About 16 seconds for a slim semi-fast girl

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What is a fast 100 meters for a fourteen year old boy?

I do not know. But when i was twelve, I ran a 100meter dash in about 12, 13 seconds. Is that good?

How many meters and miles are in a light year?

A light year is a unit of distance, not time. It is approximately 9.461 trillion kilometers or about 5.88 trillion miles.

How many meters in 1 year?

A metre is a unit of distance. A year is a unit of time. The two units are therefore incompatible.

By how much meters is the coast eroding each year?

Depends on which bit of coast you mean. Some is fast some is slow and some actually grows.