Many professional athletes are choosing New Balance sneakers. Recently Dustin Pedroia, second basemen for the Boston Red Sox has partnered with New Balance to create a red and black camouflage shoe.
Yes They Do I Bought a Pair Of Converse Sneakers From Their And i Found Out It Was Second Hand.
it takes 8 electrons for the second shell to be considered full
Jesus was the second founder of Christianity
He was a regular on Second City.
Any language you learn after your first (native) language is considered a second language. There is no specific one.
The second word is considered longer because it has more syllables
My "Bach Pro" trombone with its Thayer valve was having a second life in my untrained hands, for it had been my uncle's first instrument as well and he had take excellent care of it.
Dante might be considered second only to Shakespeare among renaissance poets. Moliere might be considered second only to Shakespeare among seventeenth-century playwrights. Marlowe might be considered second only to Shakespeare among English sixteenth century playwrights. Anne Hathaway might be considered second only to Shakespeare among people who lived in Stratford on Avon. George Bernard Shaw might be considered second only to Shakespeare among playwrights from Great Britain. Edward Bond might be considered second only to Shakespeare among playwrights who wrote a play about King Lear. I don't know who is second only to Shakespeare among people whose fathers made gloves.
the second one!!
The second city of Yemen is Aden. It is considered the capital of the south.