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It means individual medley but no idea what it means !

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

It stands for INDIVIDUAL MEDLEY. Out of context, it is Instant messenger. You know your a swimmer when IM means Individual Medley

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Q: What does IM stand for in 200 IM swimming event?
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It stands for individual medley because it has all four strokes. There for its a medley

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Austrailia's Stephanie Rice's specialty in swimming is the Individual Medley (IM). She has broken the world records in the 200 and 400 IM's several times.

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ive heard of it before, and im a swimmer, we say it all the time, but im not sure what it actually means

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Who won the men's 400 Individual Medley (IM) swimming event at the 1976 Olympics?

Of the 13 men's swimming events at the 1976 Summer Games in Montreal, new world records were set in 12 of them: 100 meter freestyle, 200 meter freestyle, 400 meter freestyle, 1500 meter freestyle, 4x200 meter freestyle relay, 100 meter breaststroke, 200 meter breaststroke, 200 meter butterfly, 100 meter backstroke, 200 meter backstroke, 400 meter individual medley, 4x100 meter medley relay. The only event where a world record was not set was the 100 meter butterfly.

What do the letters 'IM' mean?

'IM' can stand for a variety of things depending on the context. It commonly stands for 'Instant Messaging' in the digital communication realm or can represent 'Individual Medley' in sports, referring to a swimming event that includes all four styles.

What are the 24 events in swimming?

I don't remember the order, but here are a few (and remember there is one for guys and one for girls) 50 fly, back, breast, free 100 fly, back, breast, free 200 medley IM 500 free 200 relay in fly, back, breast, free, IM 400 relay in fly, back, breast, free, IM Also, possibly 200 fly, back, breast, free KEY: fly= butterfly back= backstroke breast= breaststroke free= freestyle (sometimes called the crawl) IM= Individual Medley. In an individual event, the order is fly, back, breast, free. In a relay event, the order begins with back.

What are the events in a swim meet?

There are many different events in Swimming. Indvidule are:Butterfly100 m Men & Women200 m Men & WomenBackstroke100 m Men & Women200 m Men & WomenBreaststroke100 m Men & Women200 m Men & WomenFreestyle50 m Men & Women100 m Men & Women200 m Men & Women400 m Men & Women800 m Women1500 m MenIndividual Medley (IM)200 m Men & Women400 m Men & WomenThen there are the Relays:4 x 100 Free Relay4 x 200 Free Relay4 x 100 IM Relay

What swimming event can swimmers change strokes?

You change strokes in the IM, Individual Medley, but it's in a certain order. First you do Butterfly, Then Backstroke, then Breaststroke, and then freestyle. In the IM you have to do the crawl for freestyle but in a freestyle event you can do a different stroke for the whole event, but it's not advised unless you're much faster in another stroke then the crawl.

What does the 'im' mean in swimming?

Individual Medley. That is when the swimmer swims butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke, and freestyle in that order in a certain amount depending on the event.

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