Started training when he was 10, started walking when he was 1.
They prepare for the winter Olympics by non stop training
tell them they are in
they went to the loo
they pooed themselves
They go to these facilities where they work with trainers. Usually they do other, not as important events to prepare as well. I know this is kinda OCD buddy, but its Olympics not Olympics and train, no e.
no he is taking time off from skateborading this season to prepare for 2010 winter olympics
There are Typhoons going over to RAF Northolt to prepare for the Olympics in London.
If your daughter is taking gymnastics classes, the same shcool of where she is attending should be able to tell here how to prepare for the olympic if she is qualify to participating for the olympic.
the Olympics start soon the Olympics start soon the Olympics start on the 8/8/08
They trained the boys all year and the men participated in the Olympics naked so females weren't allowed to watch.
Ask another website.i don't know