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University of Michigan

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Q: What are some colleges with swim teams?
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what type of fighting do you have in mind?

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How many Olympic swim teams are there?

about 500

What is the longest distance swim?

1500 m freestyle

Who do you compete in Synchronized Swimming?

Synchronized swimmers from different countries compete against each other. At the Olympics, eight countries swim for the same medals. Some colleges have synchro teams that compete against other college teams. Think of a synchro meet as being like a figure skating competition - everybody wants to be in first place and there are no real "losers."

What types of software do colleges use?

Teams Software

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Are there any colleges that offer snowboard teams?

i know boulder does... but what about for some more academic colleges i would really want to know how far away say dartmouth or amherst are from resorts....

Why is there no wrestling team for women?

There are here are some colleges that have teams: Menlo, Lindenwood, Cumberlands, Jamestown, Kings, Oklahoma City, ...

What rituals do swim teams have?

There are many rituals that swim teams may have. Some might eat the same thing for breakfast before every meet. Other might listen to certain songs. While still others may choose to visualize themselves winning.

Why should you have pools in schools?

Schools should have swimming pools because they can learn new things like CPR and how to swim, they can express themselves by having new hobbies, and can stay healthy by having a new sport to participate in.