It can be due to mites. They can be present on your bed.
You should consult your physician about the rash. Bring the sunless tanning lotion with you for him to examine the contents and to give you a professional medical opinion.
I woke up with a rash over my whole body. Later there appears to be bruising and my arms and legs hurt like they are bruised.
Discontinue using any product which may have caused the rash. Read and take notes of the ingredients of that product. Wait a few days until the rash has gone away until you try using a new product. When you find a product that does not cause a rash, compare the ingredients to find out by a process of elimination what caused your rash.
People cross their legs by resting one leg over the other. Women cross their legs as a form of etiquette and to keep from showing private areas while wearing skirts or dresses.
If you have warts on your legs shaving over them can spread the disease even more. Answer You can get a rash from shaving and sometimes it can look like warts if you are not familiar with what each of them look like.
Your arms are moving a circular movement over the water while your legs are doing a up and down motion.
The back legs are webbed because they are stronger. a frog uses its back legs to jump, and to swim. they hardly use front feet for swimming.
Vitamins that can cause a rash are; Vitamin D, Vitamin A, and Omega-3 Fatty Acids. The rash is caused by an over dose in the vitamins and is a sign you are taking over the recommended dosage.
rash spots all over the body.
a rash?
It sounds a lot like ringworm. My family had an above ground pool that initially did not have chlorine in it. I was already sick with strep throat and had a compromised immune system, but after swimming in the pool and going to bed shortly after, I noticed in the morning that I had an oval shaped pink rash on my abdomen. My doctor inspected the rash the next day and confirmed it was ringworm (very common in the summer months and easily contracted from a swimming pool which harbors fungi without the appropriate chemicals like chlorine). I wish the best of luck to you and anyone else who stumbles upon this answer. Ringworm can be treated with over-the-counter cream or prescription cream, but it should be treated immediately never the less. It takes a few weeks to fully be rid of this fungal infection and even then, there is a moderate risk of recurrence.