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You need to check with your doctor.

You need to check with your doctor.

You need to check with your doctor.

You need to check with your doctor.

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You need to check with your doctor.

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Q: Is skydiving safe for people with heart murmur?
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Do all skydiving end in misery?

No- if it did, people would not skydive. Skydiving is enjoyed by many people, can be a lot of fun, and usually ends in a safe landing.

What is safe about skydiving?

Only the parachute.

Can Adderall cause a heart murmur?

Yes at times they can interfer with heart murmur. This can be an especialy big problem for children with heart murmurs. The type of the murmur needs to be evaluated by a doctor to see if the patient should take adderall. For adults heart murmurs are much less of a worry high blood pressure is what you want to watch in adults.

What sports are relatively safe?

Bungee jumping

How safe is it under canopy in skydiving if you turn to fast can the canopy fold?


Is it safe to get a cartilage piercing if you have a heart murmur?

Definitely NOT a good idea. I watched a programme on TV here in the UK about a lad who died from having a piercing, he also had a heart condition. I can't remember the exact medical reasons for this, but definitely consult your doctor first. Chris

Is tandem skydiving safe for seniors?

Tandem skydiving is quite safe for seniors since there is no upper limit required for skydiving programs instituted by the U.S. government. However, there are health risks that everyone attempting tandem skydiving should know. Those individuals who suffer from hypertension, cardiovascular conditions, arthritis or other musculoskeletal problems or history of stroke should consult a doctor personally.

Is skydiving safe for people with high cholesterol?

You should probably ask a doctor about this, as every person is suited for different things, instead of looking for an obscure answer from a stranger on the internet. You could very well die, you know!

Are treadmills safe for people that have mild heart problems?

Treadmills are safe for people with mild heart conditions so long as those people don't exert themselves to much. Just keep tabs on how fast your heart is beating and if it starts speeding up too much then slow down the treadmill or take a break.

What are the odds of being killed on your first time skydiving?

In the USA the statistical odds of dying in a skydive are something around a million to one. That said in reality the odds of dying skydiving for all practical purposes depend on the skydiver himself. In excess of 95% of all skydiving fatalities are caused by human error, extremely rare that it's a gear failure. The gear has redundant systems, and is extremely reliable. Also, it typically requires a chain of events to end in a skydiver dying, eliminate any link in that chain and everyone walks away. In other words "Don't do anything stupid, and you'll be fine!"

When you know your heart stops beating when you pass out can this cause death?

well! yes! But i doubt that your heart did stop because if it did you would need resuscitation using a defibrillator. So your heart probably didn't stop! It may have been a murmur or tremor (still dangerous) so to be safe go to a doctor and they can do a cardiac rate test and an ultrasound to check everything is working fine. Source: Physician assistant

Is skydiving safe after breast augmentation?

Breast implants make little difference to physical activity. Running and jumping are unaffected. If the implants are large it could affect the ability to reach across the chest, which has implications for some activities, such as racket sports.