Yes, it is safe, but not red meat.
No- if it did, people would not skydive. Skydiving is enjoyed by many people, can be a lot of fun, and usually ends in a safe landing.
Only the parachute.
mutton have cholesterol it is not safe for cholesterol
For most people a total cholesterol of 200 and an LDL (low density lipoprotien - "bad cholesterol") of 130 is desirable. We often shoot for an LDL of less than 100 for certain high risk people such as those who have vascular disease and diabetes and we often tolerate LDL's of 160-190 in low risk people.
Bungee jumping
Most individuals looking for diets in regards to cholesterol are seeking to lower their cholesterol. Mayo Clinic, Heath Share, NHS Choices, and Prevention all have lists of foods that are safe to eat and will lower cholesterol.
Since its red meat I don't think iits safe
No- they are high is sugars and cholesterol. Of course, being in the Bermuda Triangle has nothing to do with that.....
It is not safe to eat 50 grams of crushed flax seed. Studies indicate that people who eat 5 grams of crushed flax seed per day will have high cholesterol.
If they're fat I'd say it's a pretty safe bet