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No. As of the 2008 Games, sky diving has never been an Olympic event. Added... There have been efforts to have skydiving included in the Olympic Games for the past several events, but the organizations have turned the sport down each time. At the present time, skydiving is included in the World Games program which includes many sports which didn't make the cut for the Olympics.

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Q: Is sky diving in the Olympics?
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The first thing to consider when thinking of sky diving is the safety of the company providing the sky diving. Extensive research should be done on any sky diving company before actually sky diving.

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AFF stands for accelerated free fall. AFF is one sky diving training method. If you choose AFF as your sky diving training method, you can be cleared sooner for solo sky diving than if you choose other sky diving training methods.

Tennis and diving occur in these Olympics?

Tennis and diving are both part of the Summer Olympics. Tennis was a part of the first modern Olympics during the summer of 1896. It was taken out of the Olympics in 1922 and restored to the Summer Olympics in 1988. Diving became a Summer Olympic sport in 1904.

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Diving events at the Olympics are held at 3 meters (springboard) and 10 meters (platform).

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What does Thomas daley do in the Olympics?

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When did diving come into the Olympics?

Diving was first competed at the 1904 Games in St. Louis.