

Best Answer is not bcuzzzzzzzz it may hurt some people.even sum olympic swimmers dont wear swim capsss.

from ,rudolph jang


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Q: Is it compulsary for a swimmer to wear a swim cap in a meet?
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Related questions

What are the uniforms for swimming?

Generally, swimmers wear a swim suit, a swim cap (not all the time), and goggles. There are a lot of different kinds of swim suits, caps, and goggles, but the kind that a swimmer gets is determined by what he or she prefers.

Should I get my cartilage pierced. I am a swimmer on a team. How long do I have to wait until I can swim?

I would suggest that you wait until the end of your swim season and do it the day that season ends. I swim and got mine done in the beginning of my season, for the rest of it I could not wear my cap over that ear.

Swimmers often wear swim caps and shave the hair from their bodies so that they can swim faster What force is reduced that will enable them to swim at a greater speed?

It is the drag that all the hair causes. If it is shaved off or covered, it will make the swimmer more streamlined, which means they will move faster. Drag

Who was the first swimmer to wear a cap?

johnny weismuller

Can you wear ballet body suit to swim with?

You can but I wouldn't wear it to ballet class after you swim in it.

What do famous soccer players wear?

Famous soccer players wear the same compulsary gear as the rest of the non-famous soccer world. These things include: - a Sleeved Shirt (some players may wear long seeved but most wear short sleeved) - Shorts - Socks (that are atleast knee length) - Shingaurds (that provide a descent amount of protection - Boots Some players wear things that arent compulsary include: - Skins - Undershirts - Gloves The famous players will wear brands that they have been sponsored by.

Which is the best swim wear speedo or finis?

speedos are gross wear nothing!........or wear swim strunks wat ever u want

Is Justin bieber a good swimmer?

I heard he is. He doesn't wear life jackets on boats cause hes such a good swimmer that's what he said.

Can you wear a felt hat with your swim suit?

It is very stylish to wear a felt hat with a swim suit. It is a popular trend today to wear it with your swimsuit.

How do you swim at the sparkling ocean in ameba pico?

You have to buy a swim suit. Then wear it. After that you can swim in the ocean!

What can swimmers wear to prevent shoulder injury?

I don't know that you can wear anything. I am a swimmer and i have tendinitis and bursitis in both of my shoulders. When i swim i can sometimes feel my shoulders "grinding" or "popping". You can do some shoulder exercises to work your shoulders and help to prevent the injury. You can work your back muscles. That would help a lot.

What do you wear to your first swimming lesson?

wear a swim cap[get at any sports store],goggles, and,of course,a swim suit.