If you are not in receipt of any benefits or an OAP, a swim at Hartsdown or Ramsgate pool is just over £5!!
You will be lucky to get a good swim as these pools give preference to schools, swimming clubs and swimming lessons! The most you can expect for your money is 1 lane which obviously has too many people in it to get a good swim!
Way too expensive for what you get, there is no competition for Thanet Leisure as no other place has a big pool, in my opinion this is why they think they can charge stupid money for a swim!
More big pools are needed in Thanet!
How much does a stinless swimming pool cost
5 $
I need the zipcode.
It will vary depending on the pool that you want. You can build the pool by going to the menu and then using the miscellaneous for building options.
25k...too much.
cost of a swimming pool in South Africa
Chlorine is a gas at room temperature. It can be purchased in cylinders for the swimming pool industry. From there it depends on what you call expensive. You can't just go down to the local store and buy it. Solid chlorine would need to be stored at below -34oC . This would be expensive.
Swimming Pool grossed $22,441,323 worldwide.