There is a study on the web indicating that between 93 and 97 a total of 17 drownings occurred in the entire state of Hawaii while Surfing or bodyboarding. One could assume that most deaths while surfing would involve drowning, thus it would seem that this study can give us a good idea of the surfing related deaths per year at or near 4, at least during the stated time period; chances are it is not a lot higher now. More info in this link:
Statistics are difficult to compile, but 214 fatalities are attributed to shark attacks in Australian waters between the years of 1580 and 2007 (See link). Surfers also run the risk of drowning, while unconscious from head trauma inflicted by falling off of their boards. The deaths of surfers that could be attributed to automobile wrecks, strokes, and heart attacks remain uncompiled.
One statistic is 2.38 surfers in 100K die each year, mostly due to rip tides. In Australia, this amounts to an average of 21 deaths per year.
The exact number of deaths from surfing in Hawaii is not readily available, as it would vary from year to year. However, surfing can be a dangerous sport, and there have been cases of fatalities due to drowning, collisions, or other accidents while surfing in Hawaii. It's important for surfers to always prioritize safety and be aware of potential risks.
ALOHA is a greeting said in hawaii, a state of US.
On average, around 2 to 3 people die each year in surfing accidents globally. The number of fatal surfing accidents can vary depending on factors such as location, experience level of the surfers, and environmental conditions.
It is difficult to provide an exact number of injuries related to surfing each year as data can vary. However, surfing is considered a relatively safe sport when compared to others, especially with advances in equipment and safety measures. It is recommended to practice proper technique, be aware of ocean conditions, and use protective gear to minimize the risk of injuries while surfing.
Over 2.6 million visit each year.
There are 7 million pounds of spam is shipped to Hawaii each year.
1,000,000 dollars is spent in hawaii.
The United States is a diverse country, but each state has its own demographics. The largest racial groups in Hawaii are Caucasians, native americans and asians.Ê
about 5,666 most are related to surfing
Hawaii moves about 3 inches closer to Alaska each year
Each state has two Senators. Hawaii's are Daniel Akaka and Daniel Inouye.
Hawaii grows aproximitly 3.5 meters per day