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440 divided by 25 = 17.6 so if you swum 18 lengths you would have swum 450 yards.

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Q: How many lengths must you swim in a 25 yard pool to swim 440 yards?
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800 yards is how many laps in a pool?

In a standard yard pool, 25 yards, it takes 66 laps.

How many lengths must you swim in an Olympic pool to swim 50 yards?

Less than one, because one length in an Olympic pool is 50 meters.

How many laps is 800 yards in a 25 meter pool?

to swim 800 meters in a 25 meter poll, you must swim 32 lengths, but to swim 800 YARDS, you only have to swim 29.26 lengths (so you should just swim 30 lenghts)

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How many laps in a pool is 1000 yards?

A regulation pool is 25 yards, so each lane is 25 yards long one way. That means you would go from one end of the pool to the other 40 times.

How many laps in a 25 yard pool equal 500 meters?

500 meters = 546.81 yards = 21.87 lengths of 25 yards each

How many lengths must you swim in a 25 yard pool to swim 1 quarter mile?

17.6 lengths

How many laps must you swim in a 25 foot pool for a mile?

A mile in a 25 yard pool equals 71 lengths or 36 laps (1,760 yards in a mile). A mile in a 25 meter pool equals 66 lengths or 33 laps (1,650 meters in a mile). In a 50 Meter pool, a mile is 1,650 meters, which is 33 lengths or 17 laps of the pool. 2 lengths of a pool equals 1 lap.

In a 25 meter swimming pool how many lengths do you have to swim to constitute a mile?

in a swim meet a mile is considered 1650yds and that is 66 lengths. Actually 1650 meters ~ 1 mile, not 1650 yards. There are 5280 feet in a mile, and 3 feet in a yard. 5280/3 = 1760 yards per mile. 25 yards per length, then 1760/25 = 70.4 lengths per mile. So in a 25 meter pool 66 legths = 1 mile. In a 25 yard pool 70.4 lengths = 1 mile.

How many lengths must you swim in a 25 yard pool to finish?


How many laps in a 25 meter pool equal 400 yards?

1. The math is mutiply 39.37 times 25 meters to covert to yards, then divide that number by 36 (27.3 yards equals 25 meters). 2. Divide 400 yards by 27.3. This will give you the answer to your question (14.6 laps or down and back 7.3 times).

How many lengths do you need to swim in a pool to swim 100 yards?

You will need to swim 15 lengths and you will end up swimming 410 yards.