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Less than one, because one length in an Olympic pool is 50 meters.

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Q: How many lengths must you swim in an Olympic pool to swim 50 yards?
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440 divided by 25 = 17.6 so if you swum 18 lengths you would have swum 450 yards.

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How many lengths must you swim in an olympic pool to swim 1 km?

Twenty in a 50 meter pool (Olympic), or 40 in a 25 yard pool (collegiate). However, there is no 1 km race in an olympic pool, it is either an 800 meter or a 1500 meter, which they call the mile.

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1. The math is mutiply 39.37 times 25 meters to covert to yards, then divide that number by 36 (27.3 yards equals 25 meters). 2. Divide 400 yards by 27.3. This will give you the answer to your question (14.6 laps or down and back 7.3 times).

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