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First you should make sure it is healthy for someone of your sex, height, and body type to lose that much weight. If you are currently overweight and can safely lose 28 lbs, then this is feasible and will likely take between 4 and 6 months.

First you'll need to assess how many calories you burn during an interval of exercise on a rowing machine. Most machines will tell you how many calories you've burned during a session. One pound of fat is about 3,500 calories. If you burn 100 calories in 10 minutes of rowing, and you row for 350 minutes a week, then you'll lose 1 pound a week just from rowing.

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Q: How long should you use a rowing machine each session to see quick results if someone wants to lose 2 stone when they are 13 stone?
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An indoor rower, or rowing machine, is a machine used to simulate the action if watercraft rowing for the purpose of exercise or training for rowing. Concept2 is a company selling rowing machines.

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I have never used a rowing machine so I have no idea. This is something you should discuss with the gym staff, they should be there to assist you in meeting your training goals and ensuring you know how to use all the equipment properly. you can also sign up for a session with a personal trainer who can help you determine a good training routine using the rowing machine.

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A rowing machine is not a suitable option for someone with a knee injury. It can place a lot of excessive pressure on the knee. It should probably be limited or not used at all, depending on the level of injury.

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Kettler Favorite Rowing machine is the most highly reviewed rowing machine. This machine really help you with your fitness and it a very good quality of equipment.

Best rowing machines for beginners?

This site:, offers you a great resource for tips for using a rowing machine if you are a beginner.

Is a boat rowing a simple machine?

it is a wheel& axle machine.

Where can one find reviews on rowing machines?

Many catalogs or rowing magazines will contain reviews of individual rowing machines. Further, you could get a review of an individual rowing machine by going to your local gym and asking the proprietor or customers there what they think of the rowing machine used on site.

How would one explain the concept of a rowing machine?

A rowing machine is a piece of gym equipment, that mimics the motions of rowing. It provides a high cardiovascular workout, as well as working a number of major muscle groups.

Best rowing machines for training? offers a great resource as far as 3 interval training workouts for the rowing machine:

What is the average time it takes to do a mile on a rowing machine?

1 mile = 1600 meters. Check to see the online rankings to compare times of different rowers over this distance on a rowing machine.

Will a rowing machine burn fat?

Only if you use it.

Are rowing machines safe for injured knees?

A rowing machine is a great tool to help you injured knee get back into shape. The most important thing to be aware of when using a rowing machine, is the proper technique, as to not injure your knee any farther.