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A rowing machine is a piece of gym equipment, that mimics the motions of rowing. It provides a high cardiovascular workout, as well as working a number of major muscle groups.

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Related questions

Where can I find a rowing machine to help improve my heart health?

I would recommend finding a local gym equipment store that has specialists that can help you find a rowing machine appropriate for you and your budget.

Which rowing machine would burn the most calories per hour?

The rowing machine manufactured by Nordic presumably will allow one using it to burn 1000 calories per hour. One would have to row very vigorously and consistently on this machine to reach that number!

What models of rowing machine do you recommend?

If you are new to this type of excercising your choice of rowing machines should be practical, focus on quality and price. I have always loved Bowflex products and would recommend a Bowflex rowing machine. Because a good rowiing machine like Bowflex is expensive you may want to rent or purchase second hand.

Will a rowing machine help with your love handles?

Since rowing machines are quite fun, and easy for a while, you need to do intense training, and a lot of it. The machine itself will have an effect on your side abdominals, because of all the rowing, but the most effected areas would focus on the arms and frontal abdominals.

What is faster sculling or rowing?

Sculling boats with the same number of people are faster than Rowing (one oar) boats. However the fastest Olympic class boat is the coxed 8 (which is a rowing boat). This is because there is no 8 person sculling boat and the fastest sculling boat is the coxless quad.

What weight machines are recommended for small apartments?

Maxicam Compact Rowing and Leg Exercise Weight Machine would be a good weight machine for a small apartment.

Researchers who would best explain the concept of mental set are?

Cognitive psychologists and neuroscientists are best suited to explain the concept of mental set. These experts study how our minds process information and solve problems, including how mental sets can influence our thinking and decision-making.

What does row 750 mean in CrossFit kids?

Most rowing machine measures distance in meters (m). 750 would mean row 750m or meters.

What is the furthest rowed on the rowing machine in 2 minutes?

I imagine if the floor is good and smooth you could go 20' or so. Otherwise, if you are talking about the indicated distance rowed on a concept II, then that is tough because 2 minutes is not a standard time that is measured and ranked, but somewhere around 700 meters would be pretty good.

How many km rowing would you complete in 10 mins?

It depends on what you are rowing, how skilled you are and how fit you are.

I quit rowing about two years ago and want to get back in it but ive become so lazy i dont know where to start i need inspiration tips anthing would be helpful?

you should go to a gym try the treadmill then the rowing exercise machine and then try going swimming and then get back in your rower and get out there!

Why a seismograph wouldn't work if the pen vibrated along with the rest of the machine?

explain why a seismograph would not work if the pen vibrated along with the rest of the machine.