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3m Springboard is 3m

5m springboard is 5m

10m Platform is 10m

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

Diving board

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Q: How high is an Olympic high dive platform from platform to pool?
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Related questions

How many feet is the Olympic high dive from the pool?

10 meters

Why do olympic divers enter a second pool of water after they dive?

to col off

How high are olympic pool diving platforms?

Events at the Olympics are performed on a three meter springboard and a ten meter platform.

Why do Olympic divers go in the small pool after a dive?

The small pool is a hot tub; divers go in to keep their muscles loose.

Does the TCNJ college pool have a high dive?

sure does

What inspiered Tom Daley to dive?

Watching athletes diving from the 10 meter platform at his swimming pool when he was 7-years-old.

What is the answer to this rebus puzzle pdoivoel?

Dive in the pool

Why is the Olympic diving pool so big?

the waves/ripples created by divers are dispersed more evenly in a larger pool vs. a smaller pool which makes splash from the actual dive and ricochet from the sides more difficult to differentiate

How deep is the Olympic pool for high diving in Beijing?

5 or 6 meters

What are the release dates for The Days and Nights of Molly Dodd - 1987 Here's a High Dive Into a Shallow Pool 5-8?

The Days and Nights of Molly Dodd - 1987 Here's a High Dive Into a Shallow Pool 5-8 was released on: USA: 9 March 1991

If you're pregnant should you go to the deep end of a swimming pool?

No reason not too. I am not sure I would dive off the high dive and do a belly flop, but swimming is good for you.

How many yards is an olympic sized pool?

An Olympic sized pool is 50m