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Depends how deep they are, how much oxygen they have, how long they've been under & if you want to spend hours in a decompression chamber to reduce the nitrogen count.

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Q: How fast can a diver ascend from a deep dive?
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Is it bad to dive in deep water really fast and then come back up really fast?

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Why must deep sea divers ascend at a certain rate when in water?

High water pressure (at depth) causes nitrogen to be dissolved into the bloodstream. Ascending too fast can cause the nitrogen gas to 'bubble out'. These bubbles can cause the diver to suffer a heart attack - with possibly fatal consequences. If a diver rises no faster than the air bubbles they're breathing out, it gives the body time to dispel the nitrogen through the bloodstream and out through the lungs.

How fast do penguins dive?

How fast do swimmers dive off the block?

when you dive off a block, it should not be more than 2 seconds. when you dive, you must dive through your legs, like jumping off of it.

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How deep do Emperor Penguins dive?

The adult Emperor Penguin on average, can swim about 15 miles per hour, almost as fast as the Bottlenose Dolphin. But when hunting, they dive deep, mostly for their food, such as: fish, krill, and squid. For more details, please see the sites listed below.

How fast can a bird dive?

How fast a bird can dive depends on the type of bird. Some birds rarely dive at all, and others, such as the Peregrine Falcon, rely on diving to catch their prey and are excellent at it. (Peregrine Falcons are, by the way, considered technically the fastest animal on the planet, because their dive speed has been clocked at over 200 mph.)

The humboldt squid has multiple characyeristics that make it an extremely effective hunter list 3?

The hunbold squid s a great hunter partly because of its speed, its ability to dive deep, and its ability to catch fast prey.

Is an emperor penguin fast or slow?

They can swim really fast and dive to depths of 565 metres (1,850 ft)

How fast is a peregrine falcon at the fifty meters?

It does a stoop (dive) over 200 mph