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"Oxygen tank" complicates this answer. Oxygen breathed at depth can have some very unpleasant symptoms. Think of the O2 as the paramedics do. Oxygen is a drug, and you can overdose by taking a lot at once or a little for long periods of time. The deeper you go, the higher the partial pressure of oxygen, the greater the dose your body takes on.

Depending on how long you stay, you can dive to 20 - 50 feet of sea water. However, you won't have but a few short minutes at 50 fsw, before you suffer from CNS Oxygen Toxicity.

However, if you were asking about an "average" Scuba diver, breathing compressed AIR... The recreational limit is typically 130 fsw. This limit is in place due to the effects of nitrogen narcosis (AKA "rapture of the deep") and once again, partial pressure (of NITROGEN this time) is to blame.

Navy Deep Sea Divers are qualified to 190 fsw, but these depths are usually considered "exceptional exposure" dives. They are most often performed while wearing a hard hat diving rig, with surface supplied air, and a support staff tending topside.

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Q: How far can a person dive in the water with a diving suit and an oxygen tank?
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