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Q: How does using EANx affect narcosis while diving?
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It increases failure points.

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Using met while pregnant is terratogenic to the growing fetus.

Why do blondes wear tamponds while sky diving?

Because they don't want to have a leak while they are sky diving. If guys that are blonde do that, they have problems.

Can you fish while scuba diving?

yes you can

How does the peregrine falcon attain such high speeds when diving?

Its a power dive. It actively flies while it is diving.

Why is a diving limit set for scuba diving?

For humans, the intense increasing in pressure at great depths would be fatal.Some fish cannot live at depths for this reason as well, but aslo due to the low oxygen concentrations.ANS2:A sport diver is limited to 130 feet because at that depth the partial pressure of oxygen in compressed air is 100% and oxygen toxicity would be a problem. Mixed-gas divers (professional divers) can go deeper because they use mixtures of gases that minimize the effects of both oxygen toxicity and nitrogen narcosis. The link claims that a 3-gas mix allowed diving to a depth of 2132 feet.

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Why should you chew gum while swimming?

not while swimming, for diving, helps you concentrate

Does using HGH and steroids affect LFT numbers?

Yes, steroid certainly affect liver function. Quit while you're ahead.

What are the chances of seeing Greenland sharks while diving?

It is very unlikely

What is the best way to write deep-sea diving?

An accurate way to write it is "deep-sea diving" while best is subjective and depends on the purpose.

Does nuvaring decrease fertility?

NuvaRing lowers the risk of pregnancy while you're using it. It does not affect future fertility.