lay a piece of news paper over the wax and iron until the wax gets absobed into the paper
let your board sit in the sun till it melts and just wipe it off.
Surf wax is used on surfboards to increase traction and grip on the board while riding waves. Curb wax, on the other hand, is used on skateboard curbs to help reduce friction between the curb and skateboard wheels for smoother grinds and slides.
Here is a site that talks about surfboard waxing and how to do it , or this site that shows you how to wax the surf board
warm water and wax comb
they put some melted wax on it before they surf so the don't fall of when they are surfing.
No. You only need wax on the top of a surfboard to help keep your feet on the board.
You can remove all, or a majority of it, by placing an ice cube on the wax, then chipping it off the wax as it hardens from the ice.
There are several recipes you can use to make your own surfboard wax. A popular one consists of paraffin wax, microcrystalline wax, petroleum jelly, Vistanex, and small amounts of scented oil or dyes.
i would say use a sledge hammer
Hi. Water is generally the best method to remove unwanted wax :)
To remove the old wax from a surfboard, first soften the wax by putting it under direct sunlight, using a wax comb, scrap the board, and roll over the wax ball on the board to collect the remaining bits of wax.
Ear wax helps to keep your external auditory meatus and your tympanic membrane soft and pliable. If you remove the ear wax, your ear drum could dry out and crack.