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warm water and wax comb
yep the honey comb is made out of wax the honey is in the honey comb
The best methods for effectively removing paraffin wax using a paraffin wax remover include applying the remover to the wax, allowing it to penetrate for a few minutes, and then gently wiping or scraping off the softened wax. Repeat the process if necessary for complete removal.
well, i went to Bali and had extensions put in there and since she sadi it was done with wax i thought itd be okay for my hair, that was wrong. the only way i could get it out was with putting nail polish remover on the wax and then comb it out, it takes a while and pulls out alot of your hair. but in the end its alot better then walking around with wax in your hair
The waxy structure in a bee hive is called either the honey comb, or the brood comb, or the pollen comb, depending upon what the bees are putting into the cells of the comb. The comb is made of a waxy polymer produced by the bees. We call that bee's wax. Bee's wax is produced by secretion. The bee secretes or exudes small sheets, or flakes of wax from their bodies. They are able to remove these wax flakes and apply them to the comb and, thereby, continue to enlarge or build the comb. This is not unlike someone building a brick wall. The wall is build by adding one brick at a time. The comb is build by adding one small flake of wax at a time. You also secrete wax from your body, kind of like the bee. One of the most common places we secrete wax is within our ear; in fact we call it ear wax.
Prepsol is a flammable wax and grease remover
Surf wax is used on surfboards to increase traction and grip on the board while riding waves. Curb wax, on the other hand, is used on skateboard curbs to help reduce friction between the curb and skateboard wheels for smoother grinds and slides.
You can get wax-comb by doing the quest by the mill in Surewould Forest, by doing Zhoom's random quest that leads to the lizardmen-infested ruins, and by doing the honey quest in Oaklore. You can get wax-comb by doing the quest lost order then circuits and honey quest in that order.
Here is a site that talks about surfboard waxing and how to do it www.surfscience.com/topics/learn-to-surf/.../how-to-wax-a-surfboard , or this site that shows you how to wax the surf board www.wikihow.com/Wax-a-Surfboard
no it does not
Bees build their comb out of wax which has been produced by the wax glands of young bees.
As soon as you get your new board, apply wax. Start with an undercoat of cold wax, and then apply a coat of cool wax. The temperature the wax is meant for is written on the packet. please note these guidelines are for surfers in the Uk, so if you live in a warm country, start with warm wax and then apply hot. Apply the wax in a motion similar to when you would rub out a pencil mark on paper, turning your wrist in circles. When the wax smoothes out, over time, use a wax comb to rough it up a bit. Every six months it is advised to sstrip of your wax (with the smooth edge of a wax comb of very carefully with a wall paper scraper or credit card) and apply two new coats.