put both hands into the swimming cap and separate your fingers so your thumbs are stetching the back of the cap and your small fingers are stretching the front of the cap. Pull your hands apart so the cap is stretched wide. With your hands in this position in the cap, place the front of your cap on your forehead first (where your little fingers are) then stretch the cap over the back of your head into place. Any hair can then be tucked up the back of the cap.
you dont have to put any thing on your head but if you dont want your hair to get wet , get a swimming cap
Put the swimming cap farther down your face to cover your zit ..... if tht dosnt work just put it over your whole face and cut two holes for the eyes and one for the nose and mouth (: ..... hope this worked
you wear a bathing suit optional items include... goggles (they keep your eyes dry so you can see while underwater) swim cap (covers your hair so it stays dryer and does not create drag) fins (you put them on your feet so you go faster)
you can paint over latex paint with latex enamel.
The first time you start swimming, you are a bit scared but then you get used to the water. Goggles are great to wear unless you can't. Long hair can get into your mouth so best option is to put it into a ponytail and tuck into a swimming cap. Swimming is fun after a while.
Yes, but you can not put latex over oil without a primer coat between.
if they are smal enough, or you have a large dryer
depends on the type of dryer you have. I put mine in for about 55 minutes.
To shrink a New Era cap made of 100% cotton, wet the cap with cold water, then place it in the dryer on a high heat setting. Check the cap regularly during the drying process to ensure it is shrinking to your desired size. It may take a few cycles in the dryer to achieve the desired fit.
There are many ways in which you could put a longer cord on your dryer. You could put an extension cord on it.